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What data do you share and how are you sharing it?

17 Jul 2015 - 11:46 by michelle.foster

Our groups and volunteers data has been updated to include data for the first quarter of 2015/16.

Mike Wild, Chief Executive at Macc, has released a video talking about why we decided to release open data and the data we’ve made available for everyone.

Challenge from Mike - What data do you share and how are you sharing it?

We’re keen to encourage as many groups as possible to share their data and we’d like to hear from you about your experiences.

Our open data sets have been updated and we’ve released even more volunteering data

19 Jan 2015 - 15:26 by michelle.foster

We have updated our open data sets on the groups we have on our database which shows which ward they are based, their equalities focus and their annual turnover.

Our volunteering data has also been updated and we are pleased to be releasing even more data about the volunteers we have been in contact with. As well as showing the ward where our volunteers live, their gender and the numbers of volunteers we have been in contact with we are also releasing data which shows the age, ethnicity and employment status of the volunteers registered with us.

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Data – who knew it could be interesting!

23 Oct 2014 - 12:25 by michelle.foster

Wikipedia defines Open data as ‘…the idea that certain data should be freely available to everyone to use and republish as they wish, without restrictions from copyright, patents or other mechanisms of control.’

So in plain English we have published data which you can use for whatever you like!

We’ve very pleased to be releasing our data on groups on our database, volunteers that are registered with us and grants awarded through our Reducing Social Isolation grants programme.

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