Level 1 Award in Volunteering (April - June 2014)

 Registration is closed for this event
For Manchester organisations and Volunteers only. In association with Volunteer Centre Manchester and Manchester Adult Education Service.

Course dates: 28 April, 12, 19, 26 May and 2, 9, June

This qualification is suitable for anyone who is thinking about working as a volunteer and will provide you with an insight into the role and an awareness of the personal standards required of you whilst volunteering.

It will also cover other areas such as codes of conduct, boundaries and selling your volunteering skills to potential employees. It is also suitable for anyone who is already in a volunteering role and will enhance both knowledge and skills. In these circumstances volunteers can use their volunteering role to assist them to gather the evidence required for their course.

Units will include:

  • Explore Volunteering and the ways to become a volunteer
  • Personal standards and requirements for working in a volunteering role

You must attend all 6 days to complete the course.

28th April, 2014 9:30 AM to 9th June, 2014 3:00 PM
Macc, 3rd Floor
Swan Buildings
20 Swan Street
Manchester, M4 5JW
Phone: 0161 834 9823