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Community Buildings resources

Pillars of the community: The transfer of local authority heritage assets - The guide explains the current context for asset transfer and community ownership, and provides practical help and direction on the key things to think about and how to do it.

Community Buildings Checker - Are you a community group or organisation considering a new build community housing or buildings project and want to see whether it has the potential to be viable? The Community Buildings Checker has been designed to give a quick and rough overview as to whether the basic parameters and assumptions for a community led housing and/or community building scheme has the potential to be viable. Free advice line: Call 0845 847 4253 on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays from 9.30am-1pm

Locality Understanding Community Asset Transfer – a practical guide for community organisations. Community ownership of land and buildings can transform neighbourhoods, support thriving community businesses and unlock the power of community. The guide provides information, advice and support about Community Asset Transfer, which can be a long and complex process.

Advice, information and guidance: https://advisingcommunities.uk/help-your-organisation/advice-and-information/knowledgebank-information/community-asset-transfer

Asset Transfer Unit – archived and recent information: www.locality.org.uk/our-work/assets/asset-transfer-unit/

Community Rights: http://mycommunityrights.org.uk/

Charity Commission resources
The Essential Trustee CC3
Charities and Fundraising CC20
Charities and Trade
Model governing documents
Model objects

Companies House - model documents

Community Rights and Heritage - Find out how you can join the thousands of communities who are using Community Rights to celebrate and safeguard their heritage assets

Charities and trading: Tax, trade and income for Charities HMRC