0333 321 3021


Information for Groups Thinking About Applying for Cash Grants

Where do I get an application for CASH from?
You can download a PDF version here

How much can I apply for?
What’s the deadline?
I need a referee organisation to agree to hold the money for us?
The best person to answer these questions is your local ward regeneration officer. You can download a list of contacts here.

What is the eligibility criteria?
There are guidance notes on pages 2 and 6 of the application form which cover this but applications must:
• Provide local community benefit
• Contribute to delivering ward priorities
• Show commitment to equality of opportunity and inclusion
• Represent value for money
• Be managed on a voluntary basis
• Meet a genuine need

Priority may be given to applications that:
• Encourage opportunities for volunteering
• Show partnership working with other groups in the local area

The general enquiry contact details for CASH Grants are:
E: [email protected]
T: 0161 234 3159

What help can I get with my Child Protection policy and training?

Manchester Community Central does not have template policies available for Child Protection/Safeguarding Children as we would strongly recommend that a group develops such a policy in conjunction with undertaking Safeguarding Children Training. However, the Children and Families Support Forum, which is part of MACC, have put together a document which outlines how to develop a safeguarding policy, click here to read the document.

Manchester Safeguarding Children Board (MSCB) runs free training for voluntary community organisations working with children (although failure to attend any training booked will result in a charge). For dates of the next training session or for more details regarding ‘An Awareness of Child Abuse and Neglect’ e-learn programme. Click here for the latest training brochure and an application form.  

Please contact the MSCB Training Administrator Emma Todd on 0161 234 7213 or [email protected] for further information about the courses. Standard application forms should also be completed for participation on the e-learning programme.

What other options are there if I am unsuccessful in getting a CASH grant?

Manchester Community Central can offer support to your group in a number of ways including helping you to identify other sources of funding. You can use our grantnet funding search, please visit: www.manchestercommunitycentral.org/funding and you can also sign up to our ebulletin to get weekly information updates, please visit: www.manchestercommunitycentral.org/ebulletin-registration-page to sign up.