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Free webinars on a social value spreadsheet

28 Apr 2023 - 12:07 by michelle.foster

Are you a Manchester VCSE organisation? Struggling to measure your ‘social value’? Could a free and simple spreadsheet help you?

The Community Hubs Network for Manchester have developed a simple spreadsheet where you add some straightforward data and it can transform this into graphs and information that you can use in reports, funding bids etc.

The content is based on the National Social Value TOMS (themes, outcomes and measures) framework so it is a recognised system using ‘approved values’.

To get a copy of the spreadsheet all you need to do is register for a very short (20 minute) online webinar which will run through how to complete the spreadsheet. That’s it, no catch, no cost!

15 May 2023, 12pm register here

23 May 2023, 6pm register here

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