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Manchester Volunteer Advice Project information sessions

21 Aug 2015 - 10:48 by michelle.foster

Interested in advice work?
With the Manchester Volunteer Advice Project you can volunteer in five advice services who work with members of the community – Cheetham Hill Advice Centre, Manchester Mind, the Manchester Refugee Support Network, the Young People’s Support Foundation and the Greater Manchester Immigration Aid Unit.

They help with a range of issues including immigration, debt, consumer, housing and welfare benefits.

The roles include:
Adviser, Advice Support Worker, Immigration Advice Support Worker, Reception, Interpreter, Training assistant, and Volunteer recruitment assistant.

You will get free training and development and support from a dedicated Advice Work Supervisor.

Information sessions coming up
27 August 2015, 10am-12pm
4 September 2015, 2pm-4pm
7 September 2015, 2pm-4pm
9 September 2015, 10am-12pm

Where: Manchester Methodist Central Buildings, Oldham Street, M1 1JQ

Come along to find out more or contact Dawn Kaveney on 0781 658 0792 or email: [email protected]

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