0333 321 3021


Theme 1: Encouraging collective place leadership

The Recommendations

Recommendation 1:
Working group into developing a civil economy, including considering the key messages emerging from this paper, together with the recommendations.

Recommendation 2:
Working plan for a Civil Economy, developed to further enhance mechanisms for different forms of social sector engagement, around key areas such as strategic engagement, collaboration and coproduction, and commissioning.

Recommendation 3:
Match local needs assessments to local community capacity: local (area based) needs assessments could feed into strategic needs assessments to reflect the diversity of needs in different local communities across the city, and this process would also include mapping out an understanding of the local community capacity and capability in place locally to help address issues.

What’s currently happening

  • As of Summer 2014, Macc is now a member of the Manchester Leaders Forum (along with 3 other representatives of the voluntary and community sector). As part of this, we are promoting the Civil Economy approach to Forum members and encouraging discussion of the key ideas and principles of a Civil Economy. The intention is that this should inform the development of the new Community Strategy for Manchester.
  • Macc is contributing to the "Community Explorers" initiative in South Manchester working with the CCG, the City Council, Southway Housing and local VCS groups to develop a community asset map of the area.