0333 321 3021



Organisation Name Target Audience Category of Work Where Do They Work?
Women's Action Forum People/communities experiencing racial inequalities, Women Moss Side
Women's Voices CIC People/communities experiencing racial inequalities, Women Capacity building and other support for voluntary or community organisations, Economic well-being, Wellbeing, Health and Social Care Longsight, Rusholme, Levenshulme
Wythenshawe Black Community Group People/communities experiencing racial inequalities Sharston
Wythenshawe Women's Welfare Association (WWWA) People/communities experiencing racial inequalities, Carers, Children 0 -12, Disabled people, Families and lone parents, People with learning disabilities, People with mental health problems, People with no recourse to public funds, Refugees and people seeking asylum, Tenants and residents, Unemployed people, Victims of crime and their families, Women Homelessness services, Capacity building and other support for voluntary or community organisations, Community development, Helping people feel that they belong to their community, Helping people from different backgrounds to get on well, Helping people to feel safe, Victim support, Community safety, Family support, Prevention, Welfare and debt advice, Food banks, food club, pantries, Information, advice and guidance, Training and learning, Creating work opportunities, Equalities and civil rights, Age, Disability, Gender, Trans rights, Race (including ethnicity/nationality), Physical Activity, Sport and Leisure, Support and services for social enterprises and social entrepreneurs, Wellbeing, Health and Social Care, Health and wellbeing in general, Mental health, Substance use, Physical disability or sensory impairment, Learning disability, Long term medical condition(s), Tackling loneliness and isolation Baguley, Northenden, Sharston, Woodhouse Park
Yaran Northwest People/communities experiencing racial inequalities Mental health Greater Manchester
Youth Leads UK People/communities experiencing racial inequalities, Looked after children, Young people (aged 13-25) Community development, Helping people feel that they belong to their community, Helping people from different backgrounds to get on well, Employment support (including job clubs), Education, training and research, Education, Information, advice and guidance, Creating work opportunities, Equalities and civil rights, Health and wellbeing in general City-Wide, Greater Manchester, North West, UK Wide


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