0333 321 3021


Manchester Equalities Hub

The Manchester Equalities Hub is a collective of key third sector organisations across Manchester with strategic equalities and inclusion expertise whom together aims to tackle inequality across Manchester.

• Strategic discussion (Influence and promote equalities agenda)
• Information sharing (Empower with knowledge)
• Consultation (Conduit for consultation)
• Infrastructure /third sector (Support the cross cutting approach)
• Voice for equalities (High profile for equalities)
• Scrutiny (Ensure accountability and transparency)
• Critical friend (Provide specialist advice and support)

2012-13 Development Plan
Manchester Equalities Hub will…
1. Develop strategic relationships with key public bodies across Manchester
2. Create a database of equalities leads , equalities objectives and work plans
3. Develop and publicise information regarding services and products which Manchester Equalities Hub members can deliver
4. Deliver an event to develop a partnership approach to Equality across Manchester
5. Develop a Web and Social Media presence
6. Develop, market and promote the Manchester Equalities Hub brand

Current Membership
Age Concern, Breakthrough UK, Europia, Faith Network 4 Manchester, Lesbian Gay Foundation, Macc, Manchester BME Network, Manchester Council Community Relations, Manchester Disabled People’s Access Group, Manchester Refugee Support Network, Pankhurst Centre, Voluntary Youth Manchester

For further information about the Manchester Equalities Hub, visit: www.manchesterbmenetwork.co.uk