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Demonstrating quality and impact in volunteering

16 Mar 2023 - 00:10 by jack.puller

This past week, Volunteer Centre Manchester was pleased to learn that it has been successful in upholding its Volunteer Centre Quality Accreditation (VCQA)

The quality mark, administered by the National Association for Voluntary and Community Action (NAVCA), is the only quality certification process designed specifically for local volunteer centre provision. It also provides assurance to members of the public seeking volunteering opportunities, volunteer involving-organisations, partner, commissioner and funding organisations, that the holder provides a high quality and effective local service.

Following an independent assessment of a portfolio of evidence provided against a set of criteria, the volunteer centre (that is managed by Macc), will now hold the accreditation for a further three years as it continues to deliver a high quality offer, that it is responsive to, and embedded within the needs of the local voluntary, community and social enterprise sector.

volunteer centre quality accreditation

Image: Five Functions of Volunteer Centres

When asked about securing VCQA for the volunteer centre, Jack Puller (Volunteering and Active Communities Manager at Macc) said:

“Whilst experiencing a sense of accomplishment, we also feel great pride and privilege in being trusted to be a steward for this quality mark; and in the coming years we will also welcome the invaluable insights into our strengths and areas for development that have been thrown up by this process so that we may include them in our future development and planning”.

For further information about VCQA, visit the NAVCA website at: https://navca.org.uk/vcqa.

Volunteer Centre Manchester provides information, support and training to Manchester residents who want to volunteer and to organisations that work with or involve volunteers. You can contact or stay up to date with the volunteer centre via its website: www.volunteercentremanchester.co.uk, e-mail: [email protected], telephone: 0161 830 4770, and on Twitter: @VolunteeringMCR.

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