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Volunteer Centre Manchester Reward and Recognition Programme

22 May 2015 - 09:50 by michelle.foster

We have developed a programme to reward volunteers for the invaluable time given to Volunteer Centre Manchester (VCM) and our partners. We are now asking organisations who host volunteers and who use VCM’s database, the Volunteer Engagement and Recognition App (VERA), to record the number of hours volunteers spend helping out at events and other short/long term opportunities. Once certain milestones have been achieved volunteers will be rewarded accordingly. You, as a volunteer involving organisations, will be asked to verify their involvement by recording their hours on the VERA database. Why not book a 1-2-1 training session here

Why not get started: log in to your account and start recording your hours

For more general information visit: www.volunteercentremanchester.co.uk

Click here to see our Reward and Recognition policy

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