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An Introduction to Succession Planning

There is more to being a trustee than attending meetings.

By now you will have realised that your ideal team of trustees is working well, the project is on track, its managing its resources and its making the difference it intended. What could possibly go wrong?

Have you considered what might happen if one of the trustees decides that they no longer wish to continue? Have you identified the ideal replacement? Have you got a job description, have you identified skill sets that you might need? Have you got a clear plan for working with trustees?

Trustee Recruitment

We all know how difficult it can be to find the “right” people to join a governing body. We have often heard people say, “We’ve asked people, but no-one is willing to do it”, “People join but they don’t put the time in”, or “Our Trustee board has had the same people in it for many years and new people just don’t seem to fit in”.

Board Self Appraisal

Whatever form your governing body takes, it is important that you review, on a regular basis, how you are performing and whether or not you are being effective as a group of Trustees in managing the organisation.

There are a number of self-appraisal tools to help you to ask yourselves the right questions. By making sure this becomes an annual item on the Trustees’ agenda, this self-reflection becomes a regular “habit”, rather than something that is only looked at when there is a potential “problem”.

An Introduction to Volunteering and Volunteering Facts

Being a Trustee is just one of many opportunities to volunteer and so as Trustee Week begins, it seemed appropriate to write something about volunteering and why we do it.

17.1 million adults in England volunteered formally over the last 12 months [2009/2010].
Around one million full-time workers would be needed to replace them, at a cost of £18 billion to the economy.
[Taken from the ‘Volunteering: the Facts’, NCVO]

Trustees Roles and Responsibilities

On Wednesday 28th September 2011 we held a training session specifically aimed at trustees of voluntary and community groups which focused on the roles and responsibilities of trustees.

The topics covered included:
• Legal and charitable status
• Incorporation
• Duties of trustees under charity law
• Duties of directors under company law
• Liability, risk and insurance
• Trustees as employers: staff and volunteers; roles and boundaries
• Trustees, finance and funding
• Trustees and premises

Volunteering Opportunities at Chorlton Youth Project

6 Oct 2011 - 09:39 by michelle.foster

Chorlton Youth Project is a long standing Youth charity based in South Manchester, with great opportunities for those with an interest in Youth Work.

The opportunities available at Chorlton Youth Project are:
Volunteer Youth Workers – five opportunities
Volunteer Web-designer – one opportunity
Management Committee Members – five opportunities

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Trustees Facing the Challenge 2

On Wednesday 2nd March 2011 we held an evening meeting designed to answer important questions for the trustees on matters such as ‘How to challenge decisions using Public Law’, ‘Equalities impact assessments and how they work’,’ Using Freedom of Information act and the Compact to ensure equity in decision making processes. The group were also given a policy briefing on the Giving Green Paper, setting out key features of government thinking relating to Charitable Giving.

The resources from the event can be found below.
