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Community Associations Funding - Frequently Asked Questions

Please find below questions and answers from the Business Improvement and Partnerships Team. To ask them a question, email: [email protected]

1. Is the funding limited to 1 application per organisation or is it 1 application per centre?
One application per organisation, although we'll consider applications from organisations who run activities from two centres.

2. If organisations are successful do you need to see their insurance details and if yes how much does the insurance need to cover?
Yes, once funding decisions are confirmed, organisations that are successful will be asked to provide all relative insurance documents.

3. Where can applicants indicate which of the 4 criteria they're applying for?
The answers provided in section 2 will demonstrate which of the criteria organisations meet.

4. In section 4: Management and Governance of your organisation is there a word limit? - as this isn't specified as it is in the other sections.
No there is no word limit here. We would expect most of the information provided in this section will come from supporting evidence. For example, some of the check list items; financial procedures, business, development or annual plan will help us assess section 4.

5. For question 3.1 'How will you measure & track the progress of the services you provide and ensure they are relevant to the community' can you clarify what you expect for the question as in the box it asks 'Explain how you will measure whether your project has made a difference' however there are no outcomes to measure against, so what is it that you are asking groups to measure against?
We would expect organisations to have a good grasp of their communities wants or needs and the services provided reflect this. We are not necessarily asking for specific outcomes to be provided and we will use areas of section 2 of the application to help us understand the applicants answer.

6. In the checklist you ask for a copy of a Protection of Vulnerable Adults Policy and Child Protection Policy is it also a requirement that groups need to complete the Safeguarding toolkit?
Organisations just need to demonstrate that if they're working with children or vulnerable adults, they have the appropriate safeguards in place - they don't have to do it for us, just show that they're already considered it.

7. Also in the checklist it asks for groups to 'sign the permission to approach other organisations for information on your track record', however there isn't a separate permission section to sign.
As long as section 6 is fully completed and signed then we are happy.

8. Do you need to provide names of referees with the form?

9. Can I submit a budget sheet, or will it be discarded?
No additional information will be discarded, although we would advise applicants not to submit a budget sheet

10. How did you allocate the amount of money to the 4 criteria?
It's relative to other applications. The more an organisation demonstrates (along with input from other council officers such as Regen) that what it is doing ties in with local priorities, the higher the amount within each category is likely to be.

11. Can organisations apply in their own right and submit a partnership application?
Yes. Although the details of this need to be made clear.

12. Where do you state how long you want funding for?
History tells us that most applying will be requesting the fund for the maximum three years. Although, good question. We are happy for applicants to notify us that this is not the case anywhere on their application. If it is unclear that the application is anything other than a three year bid we shall contact the applicant.

13. When will you let groups know if they are successful?
Hopefully in May 2013.

14. How much is the total pot of money?
As it stands £430,000 per year.

15. Who is judging the applications?
Business, Improvements & Partnerships team (which includes the Third Sector team). Also, we will be contacting Regeneration teams across the City for their input along with commissioners from service directorates.

16. Is there a way of holding Manchester City Council accountable for the process?
The process of reallocating the fund - from agreeing the criteria to appraising applications and allocating funding - is subject to public scrutiny. Anyone unhappy or unsure of the fund's administration or the final allocation of funding may request additional information or raise a query with the Business Improvement and Partnerships Team or via elected members of the council.