0333 321 3021


Transforming Local Infrastructure in Manchester

19 Oct 2012 - 15:30 by hannah.powell

14 support organisations in Manchester are now working together to make sure local voluntary and community groups get the best support possible.

The government has awarded the partnership a grant through Transforming Local Infrastructure, which is being delivered by Big Fund (the non lottery funding arm of the Big Lottery Fund). Transforming Local Infrastructure is providing better support for voluntary and community groups by transforming local support services. Manchester is one of 72 out of 140 partnerships across England have received awards as part of a £30 million investment from the Office of Civil Society.

Macc is the lead agency for the programme and the programme builds on the development of Manchester Community Central and the initiative of the City Council in rationalising support services. Meet the TLI Team.

Voluntary and community groups will get a clearer, joined up service, tailored to their needs, using the skills and specialities of each organisation. Fundamentally, it should be simple and easy for groups to find, access and use the support they need.

Support services will be delivered under the umbrella of Manchester Community Central accessed through our central telephone line 0333 321 3021, the Manchester Community Central website and through the regular meetings and events organised by the range of partners.

As the programme develops we will be updating you on the services available to groups. See our Projects page.

We will continue to consult with local voluntary and community sector groups to understand their needs in order to inform the planning, design and delivery of services. The partnership will ensure the groups are given a voice and supported to address any issues. The programme is designed to increase the range of services and activities available to support groups.

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