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Understanding needs and improving services for minority communities survey

14 Aug 2015 - 10:40 by michelle.foster

This research is being carried out by Faith Network 4 Manchester in partnership with Saheli and the Women's Solidarity Forum and is funded by Manchester City Council's Equality Fund and the Big Lottery Fund.

Through this research it is hoped to build up a picture of needs of different communities in Manchester; views on the City's changing demographic make-up; an understanding of the issues that impact on different groups and why BME women do or do not access specialist services. This information will be used to explore the themes further at Listening Events to be held in Manchester. The research will then be written up early next year and submitted to Manchester City Council before April. The research will be used to influence service design and delivery.

This research is exploring 3 areas:
• Understanding the needs of women, men, minority faiths and attitudes to the changing demographic of Manchester with a greater number of Muslim residents
• Understanding the issues that impact on different groups accessing opportunities to improve their lives
• Why BME women do or do not access specialist services

Anyone living, working or worshipping in Manchester is asked to complete the survey at: www.surveymonkey.com/s/improvingservices by the end of August, it should take less than 15 minutes of your time.

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