0161 830 4770


Manchester Men’s Health C.I.C. Director

Manchester Men’s Health C.I.C. Director
Organisation: Manchester Men's Health C.I.C

Time for the opportunity:

This grid shows when you can volunteer for this organisation (e.g. Monday Morning)

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday

Description of opportunity:


Manchester Men’s Health C.I.C. are looking for Directors.

Manchester Men’s Health C.I.C was established in Aug 2013. In that time, it has been commissioned by Salford Royal Hospital to increase men's access to the weight management programme, and commissioned by the Big Life Group to increase Dad’s accessing their service. We have also delivered a literacy men’s health programme, for Bengali men and delivered training on how to engage men.

We have been commissioned by the Whitworth Art Gallery to explore men accessing the gallery and to write a poem on the subject. We established and coordinated the project Whitworth Men’s Shed and are currently delivering a male-specific creative writing project in HMP Manchester.

A new project for this year is the delivery of a play, which focuses on men's health.

Our vision is to improve men’s knowledge and understanding of themselves to be less harmful to themselves and those around them. Our mission is to reach those men who are most at risk of being harmful or being harmful to others and enable them to seek positive strategies and methods for them to lead a happy and less harmful existence.

We are non-discriminative, and we allow men to find their own solutions. Our aim is to run programmes and interventions in as many environments within Manchester and outside of Manchester, where we can reach those men most in need or most at risk of the damaging effects of masculinity.

Meetings can take place either online, or in Manchester City Centre.

If you have any questions about this opportunity you can contact us on 0161 830 4770, or email us at: [email protected]