0161 830 4770


Older people's activity group volunteer

Organisation: Re-engage
Minimum amount of hours required:


Time for the opportunity:

This grid shows when you can volunteer for this organisation (e.g. Monday Morning)

Tuesday AM, Tuesday PM
Description of opportunity:


Who we are: 

Our mission is to use the power of volunteering to enable older people to make new friends and break out of the cycle of social isolation and loneliness.

What would you doing as a volunteer?

The group is 11am-1pm on the first tuesday of each month. This free group runs on the first Tuesday each month 11am-1pm for people 75+. The group has an activity followed by tea, coffee, and biscuits in the cafe. The cafe is accessible and has indoor and outdoor areas. Volunteers will be helping to run an activity group for people 75+ who are lonely or isolated. The activity could range from indoor bowls, and skittles to boccia. Re-engage will provide training and support for volunteers.


Skills / Qualifications:
Recruitment Process: Application Form, Interview, Informal Discussion, Trial Period / Taster Session, DBS Check, References
Area of interest: Covid-19, LGBTQ+, Older people, Women, Befriending, Events

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If you have any questions about this opportunity you can contact us on 0161 830 4770, or email us at: [email protected]