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All Policy and Influence

Review of Manchester City Council's Equality Funding Programme

21 Dec 2015 - 16:35 by Nigel Rose

Macc and Manchester City Council have jointly written a Review of Manchester City Council's Equality Funding Programme 2013/14 to 2015/16. It covers both how funded organisations met the objectives of the fund and how the fund was set-up, managed and monitored. Its full of examples of the work that funded groups carried out and highlights a number of issues that a future funding programme would need to address.

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Community Pharmacy Greater Manchester

18 Dec 2015 - 16:06 by Nigel Rose

7 local pharmaceutical committees have come together to establish the Greater Manchester Pharmacy provider company. This is a vehicle for holding contracts and has been set up by Community Pharmacy Greater Manchester (CPGM). Community Pharmacy is a key part of integration plans for Health and Social Care services. Download more details here.

CPGM's 5 point plan is:

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The Way Forward - Proposals to maintain the effectiveness of Manchester's VCSE Sector

18 Dec 2015 - 15:20 by Nigel Rose

The Way Forward - a set of proposals to maintain the effectiveness of Manchester's Voluntary, Community and Social Enterprise Sector was launched at Manchester's Voluntary Sector Assembly on 10th December by Fergal McCullough, Chief Executive of The Men's Room.

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Health and Social Care Policy Trends in 2015/16 in Manchester

18 Dec 2015 - 15:01 by Nigel Rose

This blog is a summary of some of the key trends that Macc’s Policy and Influence team have spotted during the last year that we think will impact on Manchester’s Voluntary Sector over the next year. It is not comprehensive by any means and we apologise for all the really important and vital stuff that we’ve missed out.

We’ve not included the most obvious trend which is that there will be less money, a lot less money, as we haven’t got anything new or different to say about it.

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Consultation: How people with savings and assets above a certain level are charged for social care and support

16 Dec 2015 - 14:21 by michelle.foster

'Care and support' is the help some adults need to live as well as possible with any illness or disability they may have. It can include help with things like washing, dressing, eating, getting out and about and keeping in touch with friends or family.

Manchester City Council would like your views on two sets of proposed changes:

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Consultation: proposed changes to how Manchester City Council assess people and give personal budgets for social care and support

16 Dec 2015 - 14:20 by michelle.foster

Manchester City Council want to change their resource allocation system. This is what Manchester City Council call the way they:
• assess you for social care and support
• work out personal budgets

Manchester City Council want your views on how they do things now and the proposed changes they would like to make.

The changes are in line with the law: The Care Act 2014.

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Manchester’s Early Help Strategy 2015–2018

11 Dec 2015 - 11:42 by michelle.foster

“Early Help is intervening early and as soon as possible to tackle problems emerging for children, young people and their families or with a population most at risk of developing problems. Effective intervention may occur at any point in a child or young person’s life”.

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MMHSCT Mental Health Services consultation – Our Plans to Stop some of our Services

9 Dec 2015 - 13:21 by michelle.foster

This consultation is being led by Manchester Mental Health and Social Care Trust (MMHSCT) and is supported by the North, Central and South Clinical Commissioning Groups.

Manchester Mental Health and Social Care Trust (the Trust) provides specialist, community mental health, prison and public health wellbeing services as well as support services for people living within the City of Manchester. The Trust receives most of its money (about 67% of its total income) to provide these services from the North, Central and South Manchester Clinical Commissioning Groups (Manchester CCGs).

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Manchester Gives More

27 Nov 2015 - 10:57 by michelle.foster

Macc has teamed up with Charities Aid Foundation and a group of other Manchester based organisations to launch a city-wide campaign encouraging support for local organisations working on good causes. We’re calling this Manchester Gives More and we’re proud to announce that our first action is that Manchester will be the first city in the UK to launch its own #GivingTuesday campaign.

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