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Voluntary Sector Assembly - 28 February 2017

This assembly was entitled 'Future Trends' and looked at the current issues that may affect the voluntary sector over the next 12 months. Mike Wild, Chief Executive and Nigel Rose, Strategic Lead (Commissioning) along with other members of the Macc Policy and Influence Team gave updates on their areas of work and upcoming events. There were then two speakers:

Nigel Wilson, CEO of Wythenshawe Community Housing Group
Nigel talked about the current challenges for social housing providers, their relationship with the voluntary, community and social enterprise sector, and his thoughts on issues and opportunities for the future. 


Professor Ruth Lupton – Head of Inclusive Growth Analysis Unit, The University of Manchester
Ruth spoke about the concept of inclusive growth, and the role of the VCSE sector in relating to this and how the sector can shape it in terms of our role in economic growth and employment.